Bel Air Finishing Supply Corp.

Unlike traditional drag finishing machines, the AutoHone developed by North Kingston, Rhode Island-based Bel Air Finishing Supply Inc., rotates media instead of parts.
The Centrifugal Disc Finisher comes in sizes ranging from 4 to 60 liters and most models come with a mobile frame, ideal for cellular & JIT production. A wide variety of additional features are also available including integrated ultrasonic cleaners, on board media storage, a direct compound feed system, and parts separation options.
Extend the life and performance of carbide and HSS cutting tools dramatically by honing their edges and polishing their flutes. These hard materials are still susceptible to breakage. Edge prep processes have been shown to make cutting tools significantly less brittle.
Bel Air Finishing Supply has developed a new technology for super polishing and finishing aerospace and aircraft blades, blisks and other engine and compressor components.