Forest City Gear

ROSCOE, IL (May 5, 2020) - Forest City Gear Co. is proud to announce that its employees have raised $1,300 to support Rockford Rescue Mission’s efforts to respond to the increased need brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Forest City Gear committed to match employee donations dollar for dollar, raising the total for this most recent fundraiser to…
A new paper by Forest City Gear engineer Andrew F. Vincent, Ph.D., has been released entitled, A Note on the Design of the Gap Between Helices on a Double-helical Gear. The paper focuses on how the design and how it “imposes a necessary lower bound on the gap between the helices it is meant to produce.”

Fred Young, CEO of Forest City Gear, Roscoe, Ill., shared his "Strategy for Buying Machine Tools" as part of the Fast Track Seminar series hosted at the Cutting Tool Engineering booth during IMTS 2010.

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Forest City Gear has expanded its capacity for high precision finish grinding of external, internal, straight and helical gears and special profiles with the addition of its second KAPP VUS 55P form grinding machine.