Master Magnetics Inc.

Master Magnetics Inc. says magnetic countersunk neodymium round-base assemblies provide amazing strength in a small size. These new countersunk magnets broaden the company's product line (The Magnetic Source) and provide users with another option for workholding and mounting.
Master Magnetics’ family of neodymium lifting magnets is flexing their muscle with the addition of a new, stronger capacity model. The newest addition has a lifting rating of 4,400 lbs. on flat material.
The newest product from Master Magnetics continues to honor the company’s legacy of launching innovative magnetic tools. The Magnetic Paper Towel Holder is no exception. This unique, adjustable magnetic fixture is ideal for keeping paper towel rolls, cleaning wipes, sterile glove boxes and other items neatly stored and accessible.

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Since 1976, Master Magnetics Inc., Castle Rock, Colorado, has grown into a leading single source for magnets and magnetic products throughout North America for commercial, industrial and consumer use.