Nidec Machine Tool America LLC

The MVR-Hx series was developed based on the concept of a machine that is easy to use without thermal displacement for users who pursue high precision and high efficiency. It is equipped with thorough thermal countermeasures, such as an internal spindle cooling system that suppresses thermal expansion of the spindle and the main structure that is…
The MVR-Cx series is a simple, easy-to-use machine that efficiently performs single-item and high-mix low-volume production in machining general large parts such as can structures. The newly developed "Nidec Navi" operation support function, which significantly reduces the production time from receiving a job to shipping a product, comes…

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Nidec Corporation plans to construct a technical center to exhibit a comprehensive lineup of its machine tools on Nidec Machine Tool Corporation’s premises in the city of Ritto, Shiga Prefecture.