Grinding Services

A sticking point

A shop that grinds tungsten carbide with resin-bonded diamond wheels sought help to settle a disagreement over how hard to stick the wheel. Now that there are machines with auto-stickers, shop staffers are even more confused. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers some suggestions in the 34th episode of the video series.

Grinding Doc takes a closer look

Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, takes a closer look at a string of photos he has taken at extreme magnifications to better understand what's happening to the wheel surface in a variety of grinding applications. He shares a number of those photos in the 35th episode of the video series.

Nitty gritty on chatter

A wheel supplier urged a shop to use a 150 mesh grit wheel to put a 0.005" radius into a part, but when the shop went from its 80 mesh grit to the smaller grit the result was horrific chatter. In fact, the shop always gets chatter from small grit wheels. For some explanation, the shop wrote to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, for the 36th episode of the video series.

What's your Q-prime number?

A shop that grinds tungsten-carbide endmills using a resin-bonded diamond wheel turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger for the 37th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series because one of the shop's wheel suppliers was talking about Q prime values. According to the supplier, the shop should be using a Q prime value of 6 or 7. So the shop asked the Grinding Doc, "What's up with Q prime values?"

Rust never grinds

In this 38th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, host Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop deal with the brown, yellow and blue marks that keep appearing on an unground surface. He addresses the difference between oxidation burn, or rust, and genuine thermal damage.

Grinding the wave

A shop experiencing on-again, off-again waviness issues during cylindrical OD grinding operations asks Dr. Jeffrey Badger why the problem comes and goes in the 39th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series. Badger, the host of video series, provides some insight.

Don't get cracking

Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, helps a shop that's getting cracking at the corner radius of a tungsten-carbide part in the 40th episode of  the video series.

Pricey diamond

Are diamonds a machine shop's best friend? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, takes a close look at the question in the 41st episode of the video series.