At this time of transition, APM has hired an Interim Executive Director who's official start date is July 16. Darlyne will have time to work with retiring director, Ann Lawless, before her last day, July 27.
“APM is an important historical and cultural resource and I am extremely pleased to participate in the next exciting chapter in the museum’s development,” says Darlyne.
Darlyne retired in 2017 as First Vice President at Billings Farm and Museum in Woodstock, where she had been part of the management team for more than 30 years. Billings Farm includes a working dairy farm and a cheese making operation as well as a museum. Prior to coming to Vermont she served as Assistant Director at Strawbery Banke museum in Portsmouth NH from 1978 - 1986. She holds a BA in history from University of New Hampshire and has been active in local, statewide and regional museum organizations. She served two consecutive three year terms on the museum’s Board of Trustees from 2007 – 2013 and for several years on the Executive Committee as Secretary.