Stratasys publishes 3D printing forecast

October 05, 2015 - 07:00pm

Direct manufacturer Stratasys Direct Manufacturing published the results of a trend forecast on 3D printing's place in the manufacturing world.

"To get a more complete sense of 3D printing's imminent impact on manufacturing we needed to look beyond our factory walls," explained Stratasys CEO Joe Allison in the study's forward. "So we sponsored an independent survey of serious, professional users of 3D printing, many of them working for companies with over $50 million in revenue."

Stratasys asked companies:

  • How they plan to use 3D printing over the next 3 years?
  • What do they see as the greatest benefits of and hurdles to 3D printing adoption?
  • What they view as the business value?
  • How their product development will evolve?
  • And who will invest in owning the technology and what role will service providers play?