SZ-V Series Safety Laser Scanner

Keyence Corp. of America has reportedly redefined safety laser scanners for a second time. Several improvements can be found in the new SZ-V series but multiple innovations were also achieved.

In addition to the SZ-V now having a long protection range at 8.4m (27.56’), its most surprising innovation is the integration of a camera directly into the unit. The camera further simplifies installation and can even capture images and video when an object or person enters the protected area. The SZ-V also has a detachable display that provides real-time feedback, protection zone information and even access to historical data, all without interrupting the scanners operation

Additional features include a system memory plug, network compatibility such as EtherNet/IP, and the ability to receive encoder inputs. Series connecting up to three units together is also possible with the SZ-V, greatly reducing the necessary wiring.

Enhancements to both the laser and how the signal is processed allow for the unit to stably differentiate between people/objects and dust or mist. The SZ-V features the industry’s smallest beam pitch at 0.1˚, allowing for 4X the number of beams over the same area as a conventional scanner. This, along with a beam spot reduced by 1/3, provides stability in any environment.

Related Glossary Terms

  • pitch


    1. On a saw blade, the number of teeth per inch. 2. In threading, the number of threads per inch.