KEMPER TheSlagger Extraction Table

KEMPER TheSlagger Extraction Table

Effective extraction and discharge of slag at the same time with almost no downtime: The new extraction table KEMPER TheSlagger reduces downtime to a minimum for automated cutting processes in comparison to traditional cutting tables. Thanks to a special discharge technique, it avoids time-consuming disassembly of the cutting table elements and thus long machine downtime. The effective extraction system ensures a high level of occupational safety and protects nearby machinery from cutting dust.

To see returns on investments in cutting tables, the machinery has to be in constant operation. Companies must, however, clean cutting tables regularly of slag and small parts to ensure long-term high productivity during the thermal cutting process. This takes a lot of time, but as Managing Director Björn Kemper points out, this is an issue that KEMPER GmbH is now tackling with new technology for Europe: “With our new extraction table solution, KEMPER TheSlagger, long downtimes during cutting processes are a thing of the past. This increases the cost efficiency of cutting systems immensely.”

The integrated discharge system of KEMPER TheSlagger is crucial for reducing machine downtime. For normal extraction tables, companies have to dismantle the material support and remove the integrated slag containers from the cutting table in order to empty and clean them. This costs a lot of time, sometimes even several days.

With KEMPER TheSlagger, this work is no longer necessary. The patented discharge system moves along underneath the material support with a rack and pinion drive across the entire length of the table. This means that it collects slag and small parts before the shield. At the end of the table, the system discharges this directly into a stand-alonecontainer, which can be emptied while the cutting processes continue. This process only takes a few minutes, which means that the plant is quickly back in operation for the cutting processes.

KEMPER TheSlagger also meets the requirements for effective cutting dust extraction thanks to its extraction technology. During the cutting processes, the system captures large quantities of cutting dust directly at the source. As it is divided into individual segments, the system only extracts dust in those places where the cutting is actually taking place - and not along the entire table. This keeps the capacity needed for the extraction process comparatively low and energy costs are reduced compared to conventional systems.

Thanks to effective extraction, metal workers benefit from a high level of occupational safety: first of all, because hazardous substances do not contaminate the ambient air and secondly, because employees no longer come into contact with hazardous substances when cleaning.  Fine dust no longer settles on nearby machinery, which means that the extraction system also contributes to the service life of the machines.

KEMPER introduces the extraction table exclusively to the European market. TheSlagger is already used by more than 1,000 companies in the United States. The patent for the innovative discharge technology is held by U.S. partner Owen Industries. KEMPER distributes and manufactures the tables exclusively in Europe and adapts them to European requirements.

KEMPER TheSlagger is available in different lengths and widths. The extraction table is suitable for connection to various extraction and filter systems which are capable of extracting large amounts of dust.