Riten Industries Inc.

The goal of the program is to minimize machine downtime and the program’s process is simple. When a customer runs a machine until it fails, they can send in their damaged assembly for an engineering analysis to determine if Riten can refurbish/repair to “like new” condition−or build a complete new unit. Riten also encourages customers using the…
Riten can repair/restore to “like new” condition their standard centers and face drivers (as well as industry competitor’s products) for a fraction of the cost of new tools. If practical repair is not possible, trade-in is available for live centers and face drivers at significant savings for new standard Riten one. With competitors’ products,…
Riten Industries is the OEM provider of dead and live centers for Mazak CNC lathes. Many are delivered with Riten centers already installed.
Riten introduces a modified face driver specifically designed to hold workpieces with diameters of 2" or less. In lieu of individual drive pins, the unit features a multi-toothed drive disk that securely penetrates the face of the part. It is ideal for gear hobbing and other aggressive machining operations.
The Adjusta-Point radial compensating live center from Riten Industries Inc. is designed specifically for applications when a workpiece's center hole is not quite on center.
U.S. gear manufacturers have traditionally used an imported center for hobbing, cutting and grinding. Many of these companies have expressed their preference for a source of American-made centers with comparable quality, lower cost, quicker delivery, and faster turnaround on repairs. Riten Industries now offers its "Raptor" series,…
For many precision jobs using a face driver, it is critically important to know the exact force applied to the workpiece by the hydraulic tailstock. Riten Industries Inc. offers a tailstock force gauge to allow users to eliminate any guesswork, especially on older machines.
Riten Industries now has the capability to repair and remanufacture tail stocks for lathes and grinders from all manufacturers.
Riten Industries Inc.'s Extra-Light live centers are designed specifically to turn or grind parts weighing as little as two ounces.
Center holes on roll journals often take a beating during the installation process in a mill. Depending on the repair process, refurbished rolls can end up with journals that are misaligned with the center holes, making future repairs problematic.
Riten Industries Inc. says its redesigned CNC Sprint series of live centers feature accuracy guaranteed to +/- 0.00004.

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Addison, Illinois - Effective January 27, 2019, The Whittemore Co. (Whittemore) announced the expansion of their partnership with Riten Industries to include the states of Kansas & Missouri​ .