DraftSight for Linux

Dassault Systèmes has announced the availability of a beta release of DraftSight for Linux. DraftSight is a no-cost 2D CAD product for CAD professionals, students and educators that can be downloaded at DraftSight.com.

DraftSight for Linux allows users to create, edit and view DWG files. DraftSight generally takes a few minutes to download and runs on multiple operating systems, including Linux and Mac OS in beta, and Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 in general release.

"We're very excited to finally announce to the DraftSight community the availability of Linux in beta for DraftSight," said Aaron Kelly, senior director, DraftSight, Dassault Systèmes. "We've been working on the Linux version since the launch of DraftSight and have seen a significant rise in demand for this over the last few months. It's been our objective since the start to respond to users by providing them with products that will meet their needs."

DraftSight beta users have access to no-cost Community Support available within the DraftSight open, online SwYm community where they can access support and training resources, along with an environment to interact, ask questions and share their opinions. The DraftSight community is one of the first social networks designed by engineers for engineers, designers and architects.

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