A full line of OEM quality replacement CO2 laser optics that includes lensesand mirrors, supplied plain or re-mounted, for popular industrial marking lasers is available from Laser Research Optics. Laser Research CO2 Laser Optics are OEM field-replacement lenses and mirrors that are optimized for use @10.6µm with 25 to 200 Watt marking lasers and are shipped within 24-hours. Featuring less than 0.2 percent total absorption values, 40-20 scratch-dig surface quality and less than ¼0th wave sphericity, they are available in ½" to 1-½" dia. sizes and 1" to 25" focal lengths in ½" increments. Offered with coatings to match specific phase and polarization requirements, Laser Research CO2 Laser Optics meet OEM and ISO-10110 specifications for optical elements.