LiquiSonic Analytical Technology

April 14, 2016

For reliable online bath monitoring, the LiquiSonic analytical technology from SensoTech is used. The system measures the concentration of, for example, cleaning, anti-corrosive or quenching agents, continuously and in real time.

The sensors are installed directly into the baths or the pipes. This makes an immediate and exact replenishment possible to ensure product quality and resource efficiency. In addition, the sensors determine the contamination degree in cleaning baths. This enables the efficient control of bath changes.

The technology is based on sonic velocity measurement providing high measuring accuracy and the advantage of a robust sensor construction. The real-time results of the inline measurement are transferred online to PCs and control systems.

Related Glossary Terms

  • quenching


    Rapid cooling of the workpiece with an air, gas, liquid or solid medium. When applicable, more specific terms should be used to identify the quenching medium, the process and the cooling rate.