OSHA General Industry Regulations

Compliance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards is a key component of accident-free business operations, and thousands of safety officials nationwide depend on MANCOMM's OSHA General Industry Regulations Book for guidance. The latest edition of this volume is updated through January 2011, and according to a top MANCOMM executive, customers will notice a key difference in the new book.

"This year, we are taking a new approach with the look of our books," said Benjamin W. Mangan, President of MANCOMM, a Midwest-based national safety and compliance publisher. "Many clients have expressed that the book should look different each year, so they easily spot new editions. With their input in mind, this year's major regulatory releases will feature colorful new cover designs."

According to OSHA, the term "general industry" refers to all OSHA-covered industries "not included in agriculture, construction or maritime," but it is important to note that the OSHA General Industry safety standard is a base or "horizontal" standard, often cited to address hazards in agriculture, construction and maritime industries as well.

The OSHA General Industry Regulations Book is the cornerstone of MANCOMM's inventory of OHSA regulatory products. This handy 29 CFR 1910 volume is made with RegLogic, a unique graphical approach which takes the difficulty out of reading and using government regulations. With the book's Quick-Find Index, users can quickly and easily access needed information. Included in the January 2011 edition are the 1903 regulations about inspections, citations, and proposed penalties; the 1904 regulations about recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses; the 1928 regulations for agriculture; and the 1910 regulations, which apply to all general industry operations.

Also included are MANCOMM's innovative Sharps Injury Log, an improved version of the OSHA 300 Log, incident report forms, and selected OSHA letters of interpretation, as well as a listing of OSHA locations and phone numbers. The book, which is also available in CD format, ships with one full-size 300 Log.