PosiTector SmartLink

The PosiTector SmartLink from Paul N. Gardner Co. Inc. accessory and free mobile app (PosiSoft Mobile) turns a cellphone or tablet into a virtual PosiTector gage.


• Mobile Integration (no internet connection required) – take full advantage of the simplicity & utility of your smart device, including touch screen keyboard, microphone, camera, email, WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular, dictation tools.

• Seamless Online Integration with an Internet Connection — Share, backup, synchronize and report measurement data via email, apps and the cloud Works With: Positector 6000, DPM, SPG, and RTR

PosiSoft Mobile is a gage-based software application featured in all PosiTector Advanced instruments. PosiSoft Mobile can be accessed from any WiFi enabled device using a standard web browser. Ideal for use with devices such as Windows Phone/Mobile, Blackberry (RIM), Android, Apple iOS and more.

PosiSoft Mobile allows users to:

• Browse stored measurement data including notes, images, statistics and charts

• Update batch names/notes using your mobile device's keyboard

• Insert images directly into gage batches using your mobile device's camera or image library

• Remotely view the live display of a working PosiTector

Related Glossary Terms

  • web


    On a rotating tool, the portion of the tool body that joins the lands. Web is thicker at the shank end, relative to the point end, providing maximum torsional strength.