MAPAL offers its tool management services based on the c-Com platform, a product of c-Com GmbH. Tool Management 4.0 guarantees maximum overview of all data and inventory movement, as well as costs, according to the company.
Thanks to efficient tool management, inaccuracies in inventories and tracking usage data are a thing of the past. As is downtime due to missing tools, time consuming data trawls, restarts, and tool selection. Tool management from the service provider takes care of all of that. Thereby it is crucial that a well-functioning system is modularly constructed, so that it can be built to meet the customers’ individual requirements. For this reason, the basic tool management platform offered by MAPAL is a modular system with 12 individual services that can be specifically configured for a customer’s particular production site.
Digitalization opens a world of new opportunities to tool management. Data and information is available to all participants – production, purchasing, planning, tool managers and suppliers – in a transparent and consistent fashion. As a result, the entire process is more efficiently structured. MAPAL uses the c-Com open cloud platform, a product of c-Com GmbH, and offers digital Tool Management on this. This gives companies a functional and group wide technology database. Redundant structures are a thing of the past.
This means that transparency and complete cost control are available to customers at all times. As are supplier’s prices, conditions, and production dates all of which are available in real time via c-Com. Whereas previously, individual lists with limited access were used, data is now consistent and transparent thanks to the platform. Data must no longer be maintained in different systems. Media breaks are prevented.
With Tool Management 4.0 customers have access to automatic analyses of data concerning production dates, current stock levels, reconditioning status of a tool, and tool costs per component. Furthermore, technology transfer is made easier. Process parameters such as tool life and cutting values are managed at a central location and can be accessed by the customer’s manufacturing and planning departments, for example. This exchange can occur within a specific plant or across several sites.
Customers at any time can easily access the entire tool management system as well the total cost of ownership.