
Fluid End Blocks

Century has an 89,900 sq. ft. facility with 40-ton cranes and 15 high performance machine tools for drilling, milling, 3D roughing, semi finishing and finishing of both steel and aluminum, enabling it to achieve complex geometries and exacting tolerances. The company can produce structures in excess of 100,000 lbs. and sizes of up to 343” long by 100” deep by 120” tall.

GR3 Graphite Machining Solution

Costly multi-machine operation becomes a thing of the past in cases where various electrode materials need to be processed, as does the associated laborious setup of multiple processes. In addition, considerably healthier work conditions can be achieved due to the absence of dust. Processing graphite with the right metalworking fluid is an extremely economical process that achieves higher-quality workpieces and .005 tolerances.

127-year-old manufacturer provides critical tooling in COVID-19 test kit production

Elk Grove Village, Il. - Crafts Technology Inc., specialists in designing and producing components from superhard materials for industrial equipment, is supporting the fight against COVID-19 by rush producing CraftAlloy tungsten-carbide core pin tooling to be used in the injection molding machines that manufacture vials for COVID-19 testing.

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