
Photochemical etching of microfluidic plates

Plate heat exchangers are found in numerous industrial applications, and essentially use metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. Their use is burgeoning as they out-perform conventional heat exchangers (often a coiled pipe containing one fluid that passes through a chamber containing another fluid) as the fluids being cooled are in contact with a much greater surface area, which optimizes the transfer of heat and greatly increases the speed of temperature change. 

90 Degree Adapter

The adapter is made of 304 stainless steel and measures 1.498” X 1.825” X 3.188” (38.049mm x 46.355mm x 80.975mm) overall length. The adapter is turned on a Yama Seiki turning center and finished machining on a Bridgeport manual milling machine.

Solving spindle problems boosts the bottom line

CNC machine tool spindles are essential to any drilling, milling, boring, grinding, routing, cutting, or sawing process, and many manufacturers and machine shops rely on rebuilders to get production back online as quickly as possible when problems arise, and replacement is required. However, rebuilding a spindle is not always as simple as shipping off a problematic unit to have its parts replaced.