World-class manufacturers expand their production space for anticipated demand rather than attempting to catch up with current needs. This effort to always be ahead of the times was on display at Horn Technology Days, which took place June 17-19 and was hosted by Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn GmbH at its headquarters in Tübingen, Germany.
After spending many years in manufacturing facilities, I have discovered that the number of ways to perform a task is as varied as the people working there. Facility and machine tool maintenance is no different. Each organization has a unique approach.
After visiting a few fellow shop owners, Manager's Desk Columnist Keith Jennings found that generating extra cash was a frequent topic of interest -- particularly with the fickle state of the market and governments being desperate to extract additional revenue through taxes and fees.
While writing his Manager's Desk column for the May 2015 issue of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Keith Jennings attended a 3-day symposium hosted by a key customer -- a large, growing energy company.
Whether they are large or small, successful cultures have the ability to pass on knowledge and tradition from one generation to the next. Peerless Precision Inc., a shop in Westfield, Mass., has accomplished that in several key ways.