Measuring & Inspection Systems

Merlin Plus Standalone Software

Merlin Plus software offers multiple measurement and statistical displays with numeric and graphic layout, trend limits, data traceability, batch management, part counters, and data storage; exporting in CSV or Q-DAS format. It can handle up to 250 different measurements, 1,000 different part programs and offers connection to several type of devices with built-in drivers. 

Interface for Cutting Tool Measurement and Compensation

In developing a measurement and feedback process, for each parameter/feature listed, ANCA and ZOLLER have worked together to agree upon a fixed ZOLLER measurement process and a fixed ANCA grinding parameter adjustment to which it is directly linked. Wheel adjustments are not supported as an option for this method of compensation. Adjustments are applied to parameters for compensation without changing the design parameters.

Inspect Software

The Runtime Module allows trained AI module to be incorporated into an inspection system.  Included in the Runtime module model is the inference testing application that allows review of the AI model for sample testing on new images.

XT H 225 ST 2x Microfocus X-ray CT System

Operation has been greatly simplified and efficiency doubled, enhancing the system's suitability for a wide range of applications from the museum laboratory through academia to the R&D department and on to the factory floor. The intrinsic benefit of X-ray CT is that it allows both the exterior and interior of a sample to be inspected and measured non-destructively. The XT H 225 ST 2x, which has undergone thousands of hours of rigorous testing, is distinguished by its ability to be tuned to match the part under investigation so that optimal results are produced every time.


In terms of speed, all machines now accelerate at 1,900 mm/s2, representing an increase of 15% for the two smaller models and 20% for the largest model. Velocity is up by 38% across the product range to 720 mm/s. As regards accuracy, maximum permissible measuring error on all machines is now 1.7+L/333 µm when measurements are taken of a feature L millimeters in length between 18°C and 22°C, irrespective of whether a TP200, SP25, TP20 or PH20 probe is used. This performance represents length measurement accuracy improvements of 22%, 22%, 32% and 43% for the four respective probes, while maximum permissible probing error is also better and so also is repeatability of measurements by 15% when using a PH20.


Designed for robustness, reliability, affordability and ease of use, Deltron, is a shop floor hardened non-Cartesian CMM with an innovative delta robotic mechanism, reknown for repeatable motion, fast acceleration and a high level of measurement accuracy. The delta mechanism on Deltron operates with a maximum vector speed of 500mm/sec and a maximum vector acceleration of 750mm/sec2.