
powRgrip 48 Tooling System

Because of its tool size capability, the PG48 holders require the use of a brand-new press-fit assembly unit called the PGS 48. The PGS 48 is an automatic hydraulic press that generates up to 15 tons of force to press and remove collets from the holders and is a single-series machine designed only for PG48.

MaxiLock-N Turning Tool Holders

To avoid interference with workpiece contours, the lengths of DirectCooling Series holders are ideally matched to one another and offer optimal stability and unlimited flexibility. This flexibility is further enhanced with an HSK-T universal standard interface for turning tools that ensures straightforward connection to multifunction machines such as turning/milling centers and milling/turning centers.

Titespot Angle Heads

Titespot angle heads are indexable, allowing multi-position machining with one angle head and set-up, and their compact profile allows machining in bores and cavities not accessible to mechanical heads. Eltool Angle Heads can machine in bores down to 5/8″ in diameter and develop up to 2.5 Horsepower – enough to drill ½” holes through 4140 steel.