NanoMech to build new campus

January 14, 2014 - 06:00pm
NanoMech to build new campus.

Nanotechnology developer NanoMech announced it will build a facility adjoining its existing factory in Springdale, Ark. The approximately-25,000-sq.-ft.t building will triple the size of current operations and will serve as the company's world headquarters. NanoMech produces tool coatings and other nanotechnology-based products. 

"The new factory and expanded headquarters will provide capacity for 25 to 50  new jobs for scientists and support staff," said CEO Jim Phillips. "The space will also allow us to meet current demand for our products while advancing ongoing R&D efforts." 

The new factory will incorporate assembly lines, laboratories, and the latest in security, environmental and safety systems for handling advanced manufacturing and military and strategic projects. While the new facility will connect to the existing building, the company has purchased an adjacent 7.3-acre tract for future development, providing the company with the ability to expand on a contiguous 9-acre campus.  

NanoMech, founded in 2003, is the result of a successful public/private partnership (PPP) between the private sector, the State of Arkansas, the University of Arkansas and the federal government. State and city officials worked alongside company leaders to make NanoMech's new global campus a reality.  

"The city of Springdale is positioned to continue to lead our state in growth," said Mayor Doug Sprouse. "Projects like the NanoMech expansion show that the city is open for business and interested in helping companies grow and expand." 

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe and Grant Tennille, executive director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, support technology growth in Northwest Arkansas. They regularly cite the partnership between NanoMech, the University of Arkansas and the private sector as a model for PPP success, according to the company. 

"NanoMech is at the forefront of an industry estimated to have a multi-trillion dollar impact on the global economy over the next decade," Tennille said. "This expansion signifies to the industry that NanoMech is one of the world's leading companies and we believe they will continue to create important, knowledge-based jobs and attract the best scientists from the international stage." 

Perry Webb, president of the Springdale Chamber of Commerce, believes the NanoMech expansion will help spur others to invest in the city. "Springdale is a great place to do business and we are thrilled that such a successful national award winning global technology company is headquartered here," Webb said. "We have been impressed with their management's relentless work ethic and are excited this multi-million dollar factory will serve as an anchor for this area, encouraging other companies to include Springdale in their growth plans."  

NanoMech chose Miller Boskus Lack Architects, P.A. of Fayetteville, Ark., to design the new headquarters, factory and labs. The architectural plans are complete and construction is expected to begin soon. The new factory and headquarters is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2014, according to the company.  

"NanoMech has been on our radar for several years," said Vince Caprio, executive director of the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association. "The advancements they are making in the materials science and nanomanufactured products space is nothing short of game changing. Our organization has recognized NanoMech as one of the national leaders that is improving the science in the nanotechnology field launching revolutionary products." 

Deborah Wince-Smith, CEO of the American Council on  Competitiveness and also a member of NanoMech's Board of Directors, praises NanoMech for their innovative work. "In a world of turbulence, transition and transformation, nothing matters more to the competitiveness of companies and countries than innovation and manufacturing prowess. The ability to develop and deploy the most cutting-edge tools and products to bolster U.S. advanced manufacturing will deliver outsized benefits to the U.S. industrial base. NanoMech is at the leading edge of a resurgent U.S. manufacturing capability—one that is not dumb, dirty, dangerous and disappearing; but is smart, safe, sustainable and surging."