ROQ/EQN 425 Rotary Encoder

To meet the demand in more motion control applications, HEIDENHAIN has again expanded its rotary encoder product line with either EnDat or SSI optical absolute encoders to include additional TTL and HTL signals. The new ROQ/EQN 425 rotary encoder is available with a solid shaft or hollow shaft with a mounted stator coupling.

These encoders were designed and developed for a variety of applications, starting with those in the wind energy sector. The absolute signal (EnDat or SSI) within these encoders is used to measure the pitch of the rotor blades as well as the nacelle position. The incremental signals are used (TTL or HTL) for the inverter of the motor.

These encoders are also suitable for applications utilizing decentralized drive technology, for example in the packaging industry and trolley conveyors in the automobile industry to name a few. Previously, incremental encoders were used for the speed control of the gear motor. Now the absolute encoder can provide both position and velocity information, eliminating the need for an additional encoder.

Rotary encoders from HEIDENHAIN are also used in machine tools, printing machines, woodworking machines, textile machines, robots and handling machines of all types.

Related Glossary Terms

  • pitch


    1. On a saw blade, the number of teeth per inch. 2. In threading, the number of threads per inch.