Kitamura Machinery has expanded its machining center line-up with the Mycenter-Supercell400 horizontal 5-axis machining center. By combining a "lights-out" machining mentality with simultaneous 5-axis capabilities, Kitamura has constructed an ultra-high precision, flexible manufacturing system capable of not only machining multiple surfaces in one set-up, but also has the versatility to handle highly mixed production components, completely unmanned.
"The Mycenter Supercell-400 was further developed from earlier technology in our manufacture of the first Supercell-Series 5-axis horizontal machining centers back in 1985," said Dr. Akihiro Kitamura, the company's president. "Our goal with the Supercell-400 was to bring a product to market that could dramatically reduce set-ups, improve parts accuracy and eliminate work in process inventory in order to meet JIT objectives. The Mycenter Supercell-400 offers our users a multi-pallet, multi-tool system capable of machining a wide variety of parts, unattended for hours at a time. Add in the durability to maintain specs over many years and you have an investment that keeps providing a return long after units from other manufacturers have been replaced."
The Supercell-400 is designed with a 360ÌÁå«å_ rotary table combined with a 100ÌÁå«å_ trunnion table, 20 pallet APC, 140T ATC and a 15,000rpm, energy efficient, 4-step gear driven dual contact spindle. Options of up to 120 pallets and up to 290 tools can be added for greater machining flexibility in unmanned operation. (A 20,000rpm, gear driven dual contact spindle is also an available option for high speed machining requirements). Linear scale feedback is standard on all axes allowing for ultra-high accuracies of +/-0.000039", repeatability +/-0.00002".
To ensure proper machine operation, a work ID system employs an IC chip on each pallet allowing for storage and communication of pallet work data quickly and accurately with the machines controller. Pallet size on the Mycenter-Supercell-400 is 13.78" round with a maximum load per pallet of 118.8 lbs for the 20-station pallet system. Kitamura's original Automatic Work Handling Robot (AWC) is exclusively designed for the Supercell-400, reducing pallet load & unload time, allowing for precise and safe JIT operation for highly mixed production runs.
The Mycenter Supercell-400 comes standard with a Kitamura-Fanuc 30iMB control standard with Windows CE.NET operating system, AI Nano CC II control (600 block look ahead, 2500 block look-ahead processing speed), 1280M Memory, and 100mbps Ethernet transfer rate for faster processing.
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Related Glossary Terms
- centers
Cone-shaped pins that support a workpiece by one or two ends during machining. The centers fit into holes drilled in the workpiece ends. Centers that turn with the workpiece are called “live” centers; those that do not are called “dead” centers.
- flexible manufacturing system ( FMS)
flexible manufacturing system ( FMS)
Automated manufacturing system designed to machine a variety of similar parts. System is designed to minimize production changeover time. Computers link machine tools with the workhandling system and peripherals. Also associated with machine tools grouped in cells for efficient production. See cell manufacturing.
- inner diameter ( ID)
inner diameter ( ID)
Dimension that defines the inside diameter of a cavity or hole. See OD, outer diameter.
- inscribed circle ( IC)
inscribed circle ( IC)
Imaginary circle that touches all sides of an insert. Used to establish size. Measurements are in fractions of an inch and describe the diameter of the circle.
- just-in-time ( JIT)
just-in-time ( JIT)
Philosophy based on identifying, then removing, impediments to productivity. Applies to machining processes, inventory control, rejects, changeover time and other elements affecting production.
- look-ahead
CNC feature that evaluates many data blocks ahead of the cutting tool’s location to adjust the machining parameters to prevent gouges. This occurs when the feed rate is too high to stop the cutting tool within the required distance, resulting in an overshoot of the tool’s projected path. Ideally, look-ahead should be dynamic, varying the distance and number of program blocks based on the part profile and the desired feed rate.
- machining center
machining center
CNC machine tool capable of drilling, reaming, tapping, milling and boring. Normally comes with an automatic toolchanger. See automatic toolchanger.