Wireless Data Transmission

Mahr Federal Inc. has added a new MarConnect Integrated Wireless data transmission system to its family of MarCator Digital Indicators at prices that compete with typical wired systems. New low power data transmission technology has allowed the transmitter to be built into the digital indicator. The digital indicator sends its data to a small i-stick receiver, resembling a common USB flash drive. MarCom software makes data acquisition even simpler: just take a measurement and transmit your measuring data directly into MS Excel or via a keyboard code into any Windows program without cumbersome cables.

Integrating the transmitters with MarCator Digital Indicators eliminates expensive, power hungry add-on transmitters that can make gages bulky and interfere with portability. Each MarConnect i-stick wireless receiver supports up to eight digital indicators with a range of up to 12 meters, perfect for most bench-top or workstation applications. And since i-stick receivers are so inexpensive it's now possible to add a receiver to every workstation in the shop.

The MarConnect integrated wireless interface is active as soon as the i-stick is plugged in, and each indicator is identified by signal coding in the MarCom software so there is no confusion as to signals. Data transmitters are built into the MarCator 1086 and 1087 digital indicators, so no interface boxes or additional batteries are required. Plus, integrating the transmitters into the indicators' electronics makes the units extremely energy efficient, and can extend battery life up to 50 percent longer than competitive systems. Integrated wireless gives more freedom of movement.

For example, when measuring on or at the machine, or with large workpieces, cables do not obstruct. Plus, initiation of signal transmission can be made either from the indicators or directly from the PC. This can be very handy if, for example, you have a large gage set up with multiple indicators. Rather than having to send data from each indicator individually, the MarCom software can gather all measurement data with a single click. Successful data transmission is confirmed with a message on the digital indicator's display.

MarConnect Integrated Wireless is now available on Mahr's popular MarCator 1086 Series of digital indicators with large display and integrated tolerance functions; and on the MarCator 1087 Series of multi-functional Digital Indicators with combined analog and digital display, as well as tolerance and dynamic measuring functions. Both lines are equipped with Mahr's innovative Reference System in which the zero position only has to be set once, and with a lock function that prevents unintentional activation of an operating button.

Related Glossary Terms

  • flash


    Thin web or film of metal on a casting that occurs at die partings and around air vents and movable cores. This excess metal is due to necessary working and operating clearances in a die. Flash also is the excess material squeezed out of the cavity as a compression mold closes or as pressure is applied to the cavity.

  • tolerance


    Minimum and maximum amount a workpiece dimension is allowed to vary from a set standard and still be acceptable.