PowerMAX 365 Series UV-A LED Floor Lamps

March 01, 2015

Spectronics Corp. offers the PowerMAX 365 Series UV-A LED flood lamps. Each lamp features a panel of 16 powerful UV-A (365 nm) LEDs specially engineered for non-destructive testing applications. These versatile, stationary light sources can be installed overhead or in-line, and can be connected together to provide an even wider coverage area.

The PowerMAX 365 Series lamps are available in four models: high-intensity and standard-intensity versions, each with or without a black light filter. The two high-intensity lamps produce a nominal steady-state UV-A intensity of 8,000 µW/cm² at 15 inches (38 cm), while the two standard-intensity models provide a UV-A intensity of 4,500 µW/cm² (maximum). All four models have a large coverage area of 15 inches by 6 inches (38 cm x 15 cm), with a minimum UV-A intensity of 2,000 µW/cm².

The PowerMAX 365 Series lamps are ideal for NDT inspection booths, fluorescent penetrant and magnetic particle inspection, screening of fluorescent particles, wash station inspection and many other applications that require maximum uniformity of UV-A coverage over a large area. Standard-intensity models meet ASTM UV-A intensity and wavelength specifications for FPI and MPI. A certificate of compliance for UV-A output and wavelength requirements is supplied with each unit.

Related Glossary Terms

  • nondestructive testing ( NDT)

    nondestructive testing ( NDT)

    Same as nondestructive inspection but implying use of a method in which the part is stimulated and its response measured quantitatively or semiquantitatively.