CIMCLEAN Cleaners and CIMGUARD Corrosion Preventatives

CIMCLEAN Cleaners and CIMGUARD Corrosion Preventatives

Milacron Holdings Corp. announces that its CIMCOOL brand released new CIMCLEAN cleaners and new CIMGUARD corrosion preventatives.

Mark Griffiths, product manager, CIMCOOL Fluid Technology states, “We intersect daily with metal removal and metal forming customers who have the need for cleaning and corrosion prevention applications. Our customers invest much time and effort in producing quality metal parts and these cleaners and corrosion preventives are often the last process fluids to touch the parts before shipping. Our customers need easy to apply products that deliver reliable results to protect the integrity of their parts and drive down costs by increasing process flow as well as reducing rejected parts. CIMCLEAN and CIMGUARD deliver value with low usage rates, gauging friendly residues and multi metal capability.”

For industrial cleaners the CIMCLEAN product line focuses on three key areas central to many of our customer’s operations: high-pressure spray, immersion and maintenance. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, four new products have been introduced:

CIMCLEAN SP-787: High pressure spray alkaline cleaner with great foam control, great corrosion control, great sump life and gauging friendly.

CIMCLEAN IM-604: Very effective and very versatile, immersion, vibratory and ultrasonic cleaner, can also be applied by spray. Cleaning effectiveness combined with sump life and corrosion control.

CIMCLEAN MC-Multi Kleen: A very effective maintenance, general shop cleaner (mop, bucket, wipe down) that is economical and can be used in walk behind floor cleaners.

CIMCLEAN MC-30: Effective maintenance cleaner and disinfectant for machine tool cleanouts in advance of a fresh charge of CIMCOOL.

For corrosion preventatives the CIMGUARD product line focuses on two key areas of our customer’s operations: duration of protection and indoor vs. outdoor storage. Four new products have been introduced:

CIMGUARD 625: Water based for ferrous metals, effective indoor protection for up to 30 days.

CIMGUARD 10: Solvent based for multi metal, effective indoor protection for 30 – 180 days.

CIMGUARD 2405: Solvent based for multi metal, effective indoor protection for 180 days – 18 months.

CIMGUARD 408: Solvent based for multi metal, effective indoor/outdoor protection up to 24 months.