PathFinder Suite of Tools

PathFinder Suite of Tools

OCTOPUZ redefines the standards in offline robot programming (ORLP) by offering a simplified approach to solving toolpath trajectories. The revolutionary PathFinder suite of tools automatically identifies and solves limits and errors within a robot toolpath, enabling users to more efficiently achieve a desired path based on OCTOPUZ intelligence and/or manual user input.

With OCTOPUZ, users can program and generate code for a multitude of brands, simultaneously, in any configuration. The OCTOPUZ team will be on hand to demonstrate the full offline robot programming and simulation capabilities of OCTOPUZ and to walk through the entire programming process from importing the CAD geometry to posting the code.

Related Glossary Terms

  • computer-aided design ( CAD)

    computer-aided design ( CAD)

    Product-design functions performed with the help of computers and special software.

  • toolpath( cutter path)

    toolpath( cutter path)

    2-D or 3-D path generated by program code or a CAM system and followed by tool when machining a part.