16C Emergency Collets

Hardinge Inc. announces the release of three new 16C emergency collets. Even with the best planning, emergencies arise when a toolroom and production departments require a stepped, odd size or special shape collet. Knowing this, Hardinge has expanded its selection of 16C emergency collets.

The soft face and small pilot hole permit rapid drilling boring or stepping out to the exact size required. Pins are supplied with each emergency collet for precise machining. Emergency Collets are for temporary use when a hardened and ground collet is not readily available. Emergency collets are available in standard lengths or extended nose lengths. The new 16C E-4 standard emergency collet offers a 116th pilot hole, and internal threads for a positive stop.

Extended nose emergency collets permit deeper counter bores when required and clearance for extended work. Hardinge now offers two new styles of the 16C emergency for your convenience. The first emergency is a 16C EN2-4 Emergency collet that offers a 116th pilot hole with a ½" straight out extended nose. The second is the 16C EN1-4 Emergency collet which offers a 116th pilot hole with a 1" straight out extended nose. Internal threads are included in both of these collets for positive stops.

Related Glossary Terms

  • boring


    Enlarging a hole that already has been drilled or cored. Generally, it is an operation of truing the previously drilled hole with a single-point, lathe-type tool. Boring is essentially internal turning, in that usually a single-point cutting tool forms the internal shape. Some tools are available with two cutting edges to balance cutting forces.

  • clearance


    Space provided behind a tool’s land or relief to prevent rubbing and subsequent premature deterioration of the tool. See land; relief.

  • collet


    Flexible-sided device that secures a tool or workpiece. Similar in function to a chuck, but can accommodate only a narrow size range. Typically provides greater gripping force and precision than a chuck. See chuck.