1900BTX Ultrasonic Cleaner

1900BTX Ultrasonic Cleaner

Omegasonics announced it has further enhanced its 3D support structure cleaning equipment lineup, the 1900BTX, with a new programmable cycle which provides for complete hands-free cleaning. Not only can cycle times be programmed, but now they can be repeated if, and as often as, necessary.

The 1900BTX safely and effectively cleans parts and removes 3-D mold support structure ultrasonically, with agitation. However, depending on the complexity of the part, it can sometimes take multiple cycles to clean an item thoroughly. This new enhancement automates this process.

“We upgraded the 1900BTX to make it easier to operate and save the operator time,” said Frank Pedeflous, president of Omegasonics. “It is no longer necessary to check the machine and reschedule a cycle. Now multiple cycles can be easily programmed to clean items even more thoroughly. It’s a significant feature enhancement, especially for 3D prototype part applications.”  

Related Glossary Terms

  • 3-D


    Way of displaying real-world objects in a natural way by showing depth, height and width. This system uses the X, Y and Z axes.