Center Pull Hoist Rings

Center Pull Hoist Rings

Jergens Inc. introduces its new forged line of center pull hoist rings to expand the company’s range of lifting products. The compact, high strength construction delivers reliable performance, economy and is ideal for OEM and industrial use.

Made of alloy steel in the U.S., these open-bail style forged hoist rings are black-oxide coated for use in many different environments. They offer a full 360° swivel and 180° pivot action, with a 5:1 strength factor and load capacity up to 30,000 pounds – proof tested and certified to 200 percent.

Available in both inch and metric sizes, the forged hoist rings use a zinc-plated washer with yellow chromate coating for inch versions, and clear/blue conversion coating for metric. The range of hoist rings conforms to ASME B30.26 and MIL-STD-209K standards, are CE certified and magnetic particle inspected for quality assurance. For added convenience, the company offers downloadable 3D solid models in multiple formats, as well as multilingual installation sheets.

Related Glossary Terms

  • quality assurance ( quality control)

    quality assurance ( quality control)

    Terms denoting a formal program for monitoring product quality. The denotations are the same, but QC typically connotes a more traditional postmachining inspection system, while QA implies a more comprehensive approach, with emphasis on “total quality,” broad quality principles, statistical process control and other statistical methods.