CoroBore 825

Sandvik Coromant's CoroBore 825 is for finishing of holes with tight tolerances and surface finish requirements. This fine boring tool offers highly stable and reliable performance when finishing components. The CoroBore 825 features a coupling design that integrates an elliptical interface that absorbs tangential and radial forces. To achieve maximum flexibility, the CoroBore 825 accommodates three cartridge sizes, each with its own slide extension. The slide extensions are placed between the cartridge and cross slide to allow for back boring and to extend the maximum diameter when boring forwards. All cartridges use triangular inserts and (-2)-degree lead angles. The CoroBore 825 is available for hole diameters ranging from 0.75" to 38".

Related Glossary Terms

  • boring


    Enlarging a hole that already has been drilled or cored. Generally, it is an operation of truing the previously drilled hole with a single-point, lathe-type tool. Boring is essentially internal turning, in that usually a single-point cutting tool forms the internal shape. Some tools are available with two cutting edges to balance cutting forces.