Duo 400 parts washer

MecWash Systems recently introduced its Duo 400 compact, fully automatic and self-contained aqueous cleaning system. Said to meet the highest "visually clean and dry" cleanliness and inspection standards, the Duo 400 is ideal for cell-manufacturing or within a centralized layout, according to the company.

The Duo 400, which measures 60" x 64" x 89", is a single-chamber rotational cleaning system featuring immersion/spray wash, spray rinse and hot air dry. MecWash aqueous technology cleans without solvents or emissions, and is said to be effective cleaning both large and small components in purpose-built fixtures or standard size stainless steel baskets and plastic totes, the company reports.

The Duo wash chamber includes over 100 high volume jets that penetrate and saturate the workload at more than 130 gallons per minute. The temperature of both the wash and rinse waters can be set at the operator's discretion between 140º and 190º F. Full rotation of the workload at 3 rpm exposes all surfaces to the wash and rinse solutions to ensure effective cleaning, draining and drying. Alternately, parts with delicate geometries can be programmed to gently oscillate from side to side.

After a spray rinse cycle, a high velocity blow dryer raises the temperature to 285º F to quickly dry all faces of a component's surface as it rotates or oscillates during the dry cycle.

For companies manufacturing in iron and steel, MecWash also manufactures a complete line of aqueous cleaning chemicals with corrosion inhibition, which serves to protect iron and steel components from rust for up to two weeks after aqueous cleaning. MecWash systems are said to be suitable for cleaning applications in the aerospace, automotive, hydraulic, pneumatic, medical and precision-machining industries.

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