Edge Roller Technology (ERT 250) Conveyor

ERT 250 Conveyor Provides Beltless, Zone Control for Pallet and Tray Handling

Need a pallet handling conveyor capable of zoning and packing for accumulation and automation assembly applications? Then you need the new Edge Roller Technology (ERT 250) conveyor from Dorner.

As implied by its name, the ERT 250 uses rollers to move pallet conveyors smoothly with no friction (a byproduct often seen in belt-driven platforms). The conveyor’s open design eliminates concerns of small parts or screws dropping into rollers and causing conveyor damage or jamming. The ERT 250 is ideal for applications calling for pallet or tray handling; no- and low-back pressure accumulation; medium to heavy load assembly automation; and Cleanroom applications such as medical product or device manufacturing, assembly, packaging and others. 

The rollers are driven by a patent-pending, energy efficient linear gearbox that gives customers added flexibility with motor positioning and zoning. This allows for zone and slip roller operation. Simply removing a lower gear creates independent zones. The non-contact zone control provides simplified traffic control that eliminates pallet stops and costly pneumatic valves. Conversely, slip rollers can be used for full length runs with conventional pneumatic pallet stops. The rollers are easily accessible and can quickly be replaced without affecting the remaining portion of the conveyor.

Technical specifications of the new ERT 250 include:

  • Widths 120 mm to 960 mm wide
  • 38 mm diameter rollers on 50 mm centers
  • Loads up to 250 pounds per pallet or tray
  • Loads up to 15 pounds per roller
  • 150 mm minimum long tray
  • Speeds up to 30 m (100 feet) per minute
  • Aluminum frame with two T-slots
  • Energy efficient brushless DC gearmotors and controllers; motor controllers use Ethernet IP for easy communication
  • Reversible
  • Automation modules
  • Navigate 90° and 180° corners
  • Lift and transfer
  • Lift and locate
  • 90° pusher
  • Three transportation modes
  • Non-contact accumulation
  • No- or low-back pressure slip roller accumulation
  • General transport

Related Glossary Terms

  • centers


    Cone-shaped pins that support a workpiece by one or two ends during machining. The centers fit into holes drilled in the workpiece ends. Centers that turn with the workpiece are called “live” centers; those that do not are called “dead” centers.