Fowler Xtra-Value II Electronic Micrometer

The Fowler Xtra-Value II Electronic Micrometer from Paul N. Gardner Co. has a choice of measuring range, an LCD with an inch/metric switchable resolution, and is designed for general purpose measuring. A switchable resolution of 0.00005" and 0.001mm, and an accuracy of 0.00016"/0.004mm provide precise readings and accurate measurements.

Carbide measuring faces provide long life and wear resistance. A ratchet thimble applies consistent force for repeatability between users. A jet back and grey enamel finish provide durability and wear resistance.


• Jet black and grey enamel finish

• Large LCD display

• Resolution of .00005"/.001mm

• Accuracy of ±.00016"/.004mm

• Direct RS 232 output

• Carbide measuring faces

• Absolute and incremental modes

• Ratchet thimble

• Includes case

Related Glossary Terms

  • micrometer


    A precision instrument with a spindle moved by a finely threaded screw that is used for measuring thickness and short lengths.

  • wear resistance

    wear resistance

    Ability of the tool to withstand stresses that cause it to wear during cutting; an attribute linked to alloy composition, base material, thermal conditions, type of tooling and operation and other variables.