Advanced Machine & Engineering Co. (AME) is introducing several new workholding clamping products from Jakob Antriebstechnik.
The series MC power clamping nut offers simple manual operation, high clamping forces through force magnification and high operating safety as a result of a self-locking feature. The clamping force ranges from 40 to 160 kN. This product line can be used to clamp workpieces and tools, particularly in presses and punches, or to clamp down closing lids of tanks and enclosures.
The series ZSF/ZDF hydromechanical spring clamping system provides mechanical clamping with a hydraulic release. It boasts high operation safety because the clamping force generated is independent from the oil pressure and from pressure loss as a result of leakage. The leakproof system is suitable for use in all applications in which moveable machine parts need to be clamped or locked into position or in workpiece and tool clamping operations.
Series SC power clamping screws use a wedge clamping system as a force amplifier. This results in high clamping forces ranging from 40 to 120 kN and low tightening torques. Other features include simple manual operation and high operating safety. The screws can be used in presses, punches, machine tools, jigs and fixtures.