>>pomSkpGo<< Inspection Device

With ZOLLER's »pomSkpGo«, the cutting edge preparation can be checked and analyzed quickly in a precise and process-oriented manner, directly in ZOLLER's own production facilities or on the customer's premises — when required also remotely, by mobile. Easy operation of the device for all measuring tasks is guaranteed.

The »titan« universal measuring machine represents a fully automatic and 100 percent operator-independent solution for the measurement of cutting edge preparations.

Moreover, if there is a need for operator-independent measurement of an extended number of tools, »titan« can be combined with the »roboSet« automation solution to provide an economical solution. The »pomSkpGo« inspection device delivers dependable measuring results to laboratory quality directly into Production. With »pomSkpGo«, even inexperienced operators can produce results toµm precision with the help of specially developed tool supports, the positioning aid and the displayed live image. This facilitates rapid positioning, simple alignment and a precise review process on the cutting edge.

With one measurement, the user receives details about the geometry, radius, K factor and chipping of a cutting edge. The measuring results are also described in graphic format by means of 2D and 3D analysis. This makes it possible for the cutting edge preparation to be analyzed precisely and for the in-house production process to be optimized.

The »pomSoft« software, based on the proven and highly effective ZOLLER »pilot 3.0« operating technology shares its accustomed ease of use and enables all ZOLLER setting and measuring equipment to communicate with one another.

In addition, at the push of a button, clearly laid out test protocols are available with actual values, nominal values, tolerances and bar charts, providing a seamless set of documentation – this assures confidence with the end customer.

Related Glossary Terms

  • K factor

    K factor

    Power constant that represents the number of cubic inches of metal per minute that can be removed by one horsepower input.

  • edge preparation

    edge preparation

    Conditioning of the cutting edge, such as a honing or chamfering, to make it stronger and less susceptible to chipping. A chamfer is a bevel on the tool’s cutting edge; the angle is measured from the cutting face downward and generally varies from 25° to 45°. Honing is the process of rounding or blunting the cutting edge with abrasives, either manually or mechanically.