Quadran 365 Series Multi-LED Inspection Lamps

May 16, 2016

Spectroline’s QUADRAN 365 Series multi-LED, dual-intensity, broad-beam UV-A (365 nm) inspection lamps are for a wide variety of NDT applications. All QUADRAN 365 lamps feature four ultra-high-flux UV-A LEDs for fluorescent inspection, plus a white light LED for flaw location. Their broad-beam configuration produces an extremely wide coverage area of up to 6 inches (15 cm), with a minimum UV-A intensity of 2,000 µW/cm² at 15 inches (38 cm). This makes them ideal for both hand-held and in-line applications.

Two models are available, QDR-365A and QDR-365BLA, each with high-intensity and standard-intensity settings. The high setting produces a nominal steady-state UV-A intensity of up to 8,000 µW/cm² and the standard setting produces a nominal steady-state intensity of 4,500 µW/cm², both measured at 15 inches (38 cm). QDR-365BLA versions also available feature a faceplate with integral black light filters covering the LEDs, which further reduce the emission of wavelengths longer than 400 nm. The white light LED’s high-intensity setting is 300 foot-candles (3,229 lux) and its low-intensity setting is 10 foot-candles (108 lux).

Also available are QUADRAN 365 M-Series portable, battery-operated AC/DC lamp kits. Along with the QUADRAN 365 UV lamp, the kits contain a rechargeable NiMH battery pack, AC and DC cord sets, a smart AC charger and UV-absorbing glasses. All components are packed in a soft, lightweight carrying case.

Related Glossary Terms

  • nondestructive testing ( NDT)

    nondestructive testing ( NDT)

    Same as nondestructive inspection but implying use of a method in which the part is stimulated and its response measured quantitatively or semiquantitatively.