Optical Gaging Products (OGP) announces new stage travel options for its popular, small-footprint floor model SmartScope Flash 500 automatic dimensional measurement system. Flash 500's 500x450x200mm measurement volume is now available with a volume as large as 500x610x400mm (20x24x16") to accommodate large parts, fixtures, and rotaries. Like other OGP SmartScope Flash systems, Flash 500 measurement accuracy is assured through uniquely designed-in features. For example, its optical assembly moves in the X-axis across a steel crossbeam so it is evenly supported throughout the extent of its travel, with no stage travel beyond the width of the unit. The part moves only in the Y-axis. All axes are DC servo driven and use high-resolution scales for positional feedback. A metrologically stable granite platform ensures proper damping and structural integrity. And integral system electronics minimize the total system footprint while maximizing stage travel. Like all OGP SmartScope systems, the Flash 500 offers video measurement. It is equipped with the patented AccuCentric 12x motorized zoom lens that auto-calibrates at every magnification change. There are multiple system illumination sources including the patented white LED SmartRing light, coaxial (TTL) white surface light, and green LED back light, to vividly illuminate part features. SmartScope Flash 500 is multisensor-ready, with available touch trigger probes for tactile measurement of hard-to-image part features, TTL and DRS lasers and the Rainbow Probe scanning white light sensor for noncontact surface contouring, or the unique Feather Probe micro-probe sensor, that can acquire data points with only milligrams of probing pressure.
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Related Glossary Terms
- flash
Thin web or film of metal on a casting that occurs at die partings and around air vents and movable cores. This excess metal is due to necessary working and operating clearances in a die. Flash also is the excess material squeezed out of the cavity as a compression mold closes or as pressure is applied to the cavity.