Toolholders Made with Toolox 44

International Mold Steel Inc. announced the results of a  study that showed reduced vibration with Toolox 44 (made by  SSAB) toolholders. A recent study conducted at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, compared Toolox 44 with conventional tool steel alloyed with chromium, molybdenum and vanadium. The toolholders made with Toolox 44 performed with less vibration which in turn increased the production life of the cutting inserts. Overall, the research concluded that Toolox 44 has unique vibration dampening properties.

Dr. Lorenzo Daghino, at KTH described this study as a major step for companies working automated industrial production. He said, “In truth, tool vibration is one of the main limiting factors behind increased productivity. The build and stability of today’s machines allow for significantly higher rates. Compared with tools made of conventional materials it’s possible to increase the removal rate significantly with Toolox 44.”

According to Thomas Schade, executive vice president for International Mold Steel, “Tool vibration is major cause of rejects and results in higher scrap rates. Toolholders that reduce vibration result in lower scrap rates, higher quality, faster machining time and longer overall tool life.”