Utilis Thread Whirling Inserts

GenSwiss announces less than 3-week delivery times for Utilis application-specific inserts used with Utlilis thread whirling rings and attachments in Swiss-type machines. Utilis offers a standard line of whirling inserts for popular threads such as standard metric, ANSI and ISO Buttress-style threads for most medical applications. The whirling rings are available with 9 or 12 inserts for high-output thread production. Thread whirling allows for improved thread surface finish and can be utilized for threads smaller than 12mm diameter.

"This industry leading delivery capability stems from Utilis manufacturing investment to service global whirling demand and a dedicated staff that is the most knowledgeable in the industry developing new technologies. And quite frankly, here at GenSwiss, we too bring strong application experience and product depth to expedite the process," says Scott Laprade, GenSwiss marketing manager.