Kern Precision Inc.

In today’s machining world standard parts are no longer a business. Only with highly specialized applications shops continue to grow. KERN Precision Inc. introduces a new 5-axis machining center. Based on the KERN Micro, the new KERN Micro Pro has been adjusted and equipped to fit perfectly well into shops and provide shops with the opportunity to…
KERN Precision says the new KERN MicroPro 4/5-axis milling machine is designed with production and productivity in mind. It is powered by the highly productive HSK40 spindle with feed ranges up to 1,181 ipm and 42,000 rpm.
Kern Precision says its Micro 5-axis milling machine does not only tout its reliability and precision, but also the size of its footprint, the capacity of its palletized toolchanger, its plug-and-play capability, its power and its versatility in terms of the size of workpiece it can accommodate.
KERN Microtechnik, a machine manufacturer based in Bavaria, introduced an upgrade of their KERN Micro: An integrated work piece changer.

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To better serve customers in Asia, Kern Microtechnik GmbH, Eschenlohe, Germany, set up a sales and service location in Shanghai called Kern Asia Pacific.
KERN Precision Inc. (KPI), Eschenlohe (Germany)/Chicago, has concluded a distribution partnership with Innolite GmbH, Aachen (Germany), for the North American market.