
Washington Post: U.S. manufacturers need help

The Wonkblog, a regular business feature on The Washington Post website, tackled the need for skilled labor among U.S. manufacturers in its Dec. 15 post. The news item features the plight of the Mursix Corp., an Indiana company that produces seatbelt buckles and bed frames, and has had trouble finding skilled workers to help keep up with the company's growth. It's a story that's been repeated throughout the news media on a fairly regular basis for the past couple of years. What caught my eye with this particular article, however, was a comment from Michael Hicks, a business professor at Ball State University in Muncie, which is where Mursix is located.

Entrepreneurs crowdfund machine launches

Have a great idea for a machine tool but lack the cash to fund its commercialization? Crowdfund it! That’s what Matthew Hertel did when he leveraged a Kickstarter campaign to raise more than $355,000 for the development and creation of his Pocket NC 5-axis milling machine. And then there's the WAZER, the world’s first desktop waterjet cutter, which runs $4,499 on Kickstarter, and is expected to be affordable to hobbyists and small businesses.

Manufacturing groups to Trump: Think hard about trade threats

Reuters reports that America's manufacturers are urging President-elect Donald Trump to back off from his most threatening trade rhetoric and pursue a more nuanced approach to trade with China and Mexico, avoiding unilateral tariff actions and focusing on negotiations. Corporate lobbying groups, some chief executives and pro-trade lawmakers also say they eventually even hope to persuade Trump that free-trade agreements can help grow the U.S. economy and create jobs.

Competitiveness in Mfg. index posted

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. and the Council on Competitiveness have released their 2016 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index. In it, CEO survey respondents were asked to rank nations in terms of current and future manufacturing competitiveness. Top performing nations have each demonstrated strengths across multiple drivers of manufacturing excellence. They also clearly illustrate the close tie that exists between manufacturing competitiveness and innovation. The 2016 study takes a closer look at six focus nations: United States, China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and India.

State of Mfg. Tech report issued by Plex

From wearables to business intelligence applications, technology can transform manufacturing, impacting everything from plant floor productivity to product quality and top-line growth. Where do you start? More importantly, how do you separate vendor hype from the practical, useful tools that can make your business better today? Each year, Plex surveys hundreds of manufacturers to understand how and where they use technology to run their business operations.

U.S. Census Bureau releases mfg report

A report compiled from results of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey, a voluntary survey which provides statistics on a calendar-month basis for manufacturers' value of shipments, new orders, unfilled orders, end-of-month total inventory (at current cost or market value) and inventories by stage of fabrication. Click here to view the report, or click here for more information on the M3 survey.