
Kentucky video outlines training initiative

The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers and local educational institutions working to implement dualtrack, apprenticeship-style training with the goal of creating a pipeline of highly skilled workers, according to the organization's website. To help get the word out about the program, KY FAME recently produced a video to introduce itself. 

China won’t own next-gen manufacturing

"With rising salaries, labor unrest, environmental devastation and intellectual property theft, China is no longer an attractive place for Western companies to move their manufacturing," writes Vivek Wadhwa. "Technology has also eliminated the labor cost advantage. [China] built its dominance in manufacturing by offering massive subsidies, cheap labor, and lax regulations. With technologies such as robotics and 3D printing, it has no edge."

“Manufacturing Doesn't Pay Well Nor Make Much Money - So Why Fixate On It?"

At Forbes, commentary by Adam Smith Institute Fellow Tim Worstall: "There seems to be some idea that making things in huge sheds is a well paid occupation – it isn’t. Or that making things is hugely profitable for a company – it isn’t. And if it isn’t either of those things then nor is it hugely important to an economy."