
NIST: Fortify Manufacturing, Save $100 Billion, by Closing Tech Gaps

To spur significant innovation and growth in advanced manufacturing, as well as save over $100 billion annually, U.S. industry must rectify currently unmet needs for measurement science and "proof-of-concept" demonstrations of emerging technologies. This is the overall conclusion reached by economic studies funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of four advanced manufacturing areas used to create everything from automobile composites to zero-noise headsets.

National Manufacturing Day recap

For National Manufacturing Day, Aerotek, a leading provider of industrial staffing services, today released its second-annual list of "Opportunities in Manufacturing," including the top 10 fast growing U.S. industries for manufacturing employment as well as the top states driving employment. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a softening in the manufacturing industry, Aerotek notes the demand for manufacturing talent is still critical.

US Census Bureau Counts Down to Manufacturing Day 2016 on October 7

Manufacturing Day - Oct. 7: This week, the U.S. Census Bureau joins a group of public and private organizations in celebrating the importance of the manufacturing sector of the nation’s economy. This marks the fifth annual organized observance of Manufacturing Day. The Census Bureau releases manufacturing statistics that inform businesses and policymakers. Collectively, the data paint a picture of the state of this important economic sector.

Deflated earnings

Industry's Image Issue