Quality Control

Survey: Manufacturers are adapting Smart Factory tech—and reaping benefits

A survey designed to assess manufacturers’ preparedness for Industry 4.0 changes polled 537 manufacturing executives across eight industry segments. The vast majority of manufacturers surveyed have recognized the need for industrial transformation, with most already taking action. Those that have done so say they are already seeing benefits as a result.

UI study: Fresh inspectors improve medical manufacturing

Most inspection-in-manufacturing features these days are about precision metrology equipment. This one is about people. More frequent rotation of (human) plant inspectors at medical device manufacturing facilities could benefit consumers and lead to fewer product recalls. That's the finding of a seven-year review of Food and Drug Administration inspections of and subsequent recalls at such facilities.

Renishaw highlights benefits of modular metrology fixtures

Highlighting the benefits of modular metrology fixtures versus traditional methods, this brief video covers the differences in set-up times, ease of set up, inspection repeatability, part stability and metrology accuracy. Posted Feb. 1 by Renishaw Inc., a global precision measurement equipment and software company, the video also features the company's FixtureBuilder software.

Challenges in Digitizing Manufacturing via ERP Systems

A look at "how manufacturers make the most of machine data" in CIO magazine goes over the challenges as well as the benefits of using ERP. A major source for the article is Magnus Wiktorsson, professor of production systems at Mälardalen University in Sweden. Wiktorsson outlines four key challenges for companies looking to digitize their manufacturing processes, which are worth reading.

Customer-centric cutting

Terms of the trade for surface roughness measurement

Slow business can have a silver lining

Doug Wetzel, managing director at contract manufacturer Protomatic, Dexter, Mich., is finding business to be slower than he wishes. Like many other U.S. job shops, the 45-year-old company is experiencing a slowdown caused by tumbling oil prices and worldwide political and economic uncertainty. The difference is Wetzel isn’t too worried. His advice to fellow manufacturers is to not let market uncertainty paralyze them from seeing a slowdown’s silver lining— namely, time to prepare for the inevitable upturn.