Safety and Health

Fighting the coronavirus with 3D-printed door handles

A few weeks ago, Emag LLC started examining workplace safety regarding the pandemic and quickly came up with a long list of new safety measures to avoid spreading the virus. Over the past couple of weeks, our employees have been working hard to implement these measures, making us confident that all workplaces now are designed so the spread of infection at the company is almost impossible. Strict hygiene rules are being upheld throughout the company, and the minimum 2 m (6 ft.) social distancing measures are followed. However, there was one area that the team struggled to find a safe solution for: door handles.

Are grinding machine safety guards overdesigned?

Guards on grinding machines are particularly important for ensuring operator safety. Grinding wheels seldom burst, but when they do, there is a great risk of serious injury to the machine operator. Recent studies suggest, however, that the enclosures commonly used in gear grinding machines, for example, could be overdesigned at present. Investigations conducted by the VDW (Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken – German Machine Tool Builders' Association) and the Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at TU Berlin reveal that it is possible to use safety guards which are up to 70% thinner, depending on the width of the grinding wheel. These findings are leading to changes in ISO standardization.

Crucial elements to include in a combustible dust hazard analysis

Although the NFPA 652 deadline to complete a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) has been moved to October of 2020 because of the limited supply of qualified auditors, you should not delay getting started. Your people and facility may be at high risk now, and the NFPA standards states, “The owner/operator shall demonstrate reasonable progress in each of the 5 years." Dust collection systems are one of the most critical elements to be included in a dust hazard analysis because they are a leading cause of combustible dust incidents. According to FM Global statistics, more than half of all dust explosions originate in the dust collector. An unprotected dust collector can reach high pressures that can fragment the housing and send a pressure wave, heat, flames, and dangerous projectiles into the workplace.

9 steps to optimize a plant safety program

Has your workplace received low safety grade scores because it has a poor program or, worse, no written safety program in place at all? Having an expert safety manager is optimal. For companies that do not have the resources, there are outstanding online programs, such as those offered by Occupational Health & Safety and the National Safety Council, that provide excellent free and paid content and classes for Occupational Safety and Health Administration 30-hour training, first aid, CPR and more.