Industry News

Tom Nathan
What do tool and cutter grinders and buildings have in common? The importance of having a solid foundation.
Metal coating specially formulated
The metal coatings industry is dominated by large corporations that provide a wide selection of outstanding paints but may be too rigid to cater to special application needs. Every coating application has specific parameters, but if the coating does not work properly straight out of the drum, the end user is out of luck. The story is different at Cortec, where a flexible customer service mindset helps users adapt the right coating to individualized needs.
Lucid chose AP&T's technology for the manufacturing of lightweight crash-critical stampings, such as door rings, B-pillar stiffenings and battery pack protection components. Photograph: fischer Group
Making cars lighter, more energy efficient and safer is a challenge for the entire automotive industry. American electric car manufacturer Lucid Motors chose a new, innovative technology to address the challenge.
WFL Millturn 30
The M30 Millturn is one of the most popular and successful WFL machines in the extensive Millturn range. The classic Millturn complete machining centers ushered in a completely new era in their original version more than 25 years ago.
ANCA AAOS annual meeting
ANCA Americas in Wixom, Michigan, a manufacturer of CNC grinding machines, will exhibit for the first time at the annual meeting for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Rasps in Holder FX3 grinding
Growth in the animal health industry saw the company invest in an FX5E to keep up with demand.
With the new year comes new goals, and safety professionals know that smart budgeting is often an important factor in achieving those goals.
After 24 years at the forefront of Mikron Tool, Markus Schnyder is retiring from his post but will still be available to the company in a consulting function. In October, Schnyder, head of the Swiss tool specialist, handed over management of the company to Elio Lupica.
Allied's Interactive Experience
Allied Machine and Engineering, a manufacturer of holemaking and finishing cutting tools for the metalcutting industry, announces the addition of Allied Europe, located in the U.K., and Wohlhaupter, located in Germany, to the online digital platform Allied’s Interactive Experience.
Star Cutter Co.
Star Cutter Co., a provider of custom-engineered tooling solutions for precision applications, is displaying its cutting tools tailored for firearms manufacturing at the Shot Show 2023 in the Supplier Showcase, booth #51317.
Robot density
China’s massive investment in industrial robotics has put the country in the top ranking of robot density, surpassing the United States for the first time.
ROMI/Siemens machine tool package
The proud and once-booming trade of toolmaking has been challenged to find its place in a new century. Here’s how one mold and die shop is using machine tool technology to invest in the future of its employees and grow its business.
Exact Metrology trains its next generation of workers
The company’s biggest challenge is not only finding people to work but finding those with enough knowledge to operate the equipment.
White paper analyzes precision metal fabrication
Micrometal GmbH, an expert at the photochemical etching process, developed a white paper, “Unlocking the True Potential of Precision Metal Fabrication," which analyzes PCE.
FX5E Linear grinder
ANCA Americas in Wixom, MI, a manufacturer of CNC grinding machines, is scheduled to exhibit at Expo Manufactura, a trade show in Monterrey, Mexico, from Feb 7 - 9.
Producing meshes & filters using photochemical etching
Photochemical etching is a metal processing technology that produces stress-free, flat components by selective etching through a photo-resist mask. It is especially well suited to the manufacturing of precision parts.
Trenton measures shafts with the ViciVision measuring system optical measuring machines..
Trenton, a manufacturer of machines and tractors used for agricultural applications, has invested in new inspection technologies to improve quality and its processes.
The shiny surfaces of the metal block can barely be captured by a scanner.
Using scanning sprays can achieve better detection of the workpiece location.
The Millturn machine concept combines all technologies in one complete machining centre - including deep hole drilling.
Deep-hole drilling counts among the special disciplines within the field of machining, particularly as these kinds of machining steps usually require special equipment in terms of both tools and machines.
Protective equipment for the arms.
Comfortable, protective sleeves are now available all the way up to ANSI Cut Level A9.