6509-24M Ironworker

Scotchman Industries 65-ton hydraulic ironworker, Model 6509-24M, offers versatility and flexibility. It also offers a large flat bar shear capacity (1" x 6", ½" x 12" and ¼" x 24") and a large angle shear capacity (5" x 5" x ½"). This high-quality machine now comes with a 3-Year Warranty.

Other additional standard features include: 9" throat depth, keyed punch ram to insure safe alignment of shaped punches, punch gauging table with fence and scale, electric stroke controls, jog control, electric foot pedal, emergency stop button, lock-out tag out switch and fork lift accommodations. Numerous optional tooling is available for additional fabricating functions.

Related Glossary Terms

  • flat ( screw flat)

    flat ( screw flat)

    Flat surface machined into the shank of a cutting tool for enhanced holding of the tool.