LHInspect Gear Measuring Software

September 19, 2021
LHInspect Measuring Software for WGT Series Gear Inspection Machines

After acquiring the highly efficient software from metrotek, Liebherr will be offering it under the name LHInspect for use on the WGT series of high-precision, four-axis inspection machines. 

LHInspect offers a unique range of functions and will be used in conjunction with the WGT series of machines for inspecting all types of gears, gear cutting tools and shaft-type workpieces, including size and position determination. LHInspect also supports the manufacturer-neutral GDE interface for exchanging geometrical and measurement data between gear inspection machines and gear cutting machines as the basis for automated correction of setting data (LHOpenConnect).

The easy to operate and user-friendly WGT gear inspection machines with LHInspect, are the result of decades of experience in gear inspection technology.


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